Dedicated Child Support Attorney Orange County

Jos Family Law will assist you with a wide range of services to help you through the legal processes like Child Support, Child Custody, Mediation, Alimony, and More.

Child support is one of the main areas of family law and a vital point of consideration following a divorce. Often, it's also the most contentious.
Divorce affects families and may hamper the dependant's financial stability. Child support payments ensure that the children's financial needs are taken care of until they attain majority. California has a high cost of living, and child support is an instrument to secure the child's future expenses, such as education and healthcare.
Our child support attorney Orange County is available to answer all your questions regarding child support, whether present or future.
How can a Child Support Attorney in Orange County Help?
Each parent has a duty to provide for their children's needs. Child support safeguards the children's needs following a divorce, legal separation, divorce, and domestic violence cases.
Moreover, issues related to children in a marriage are some of the contentious in nature. In child support, the higher-earning spouse must provide for the children's financial needs. This isn't always amicable, with their lawyer defending aggressively against paying child support. This is why both parties must have their own child support attorneys in Orange County in complex child custody matters.
At Jos Family Law, we can accurately estimate what you or your spouse may have to pay as support as per California guidelines. This helps in informed decision-making and may also simplify the negotiations. We also have divorce mediation lawyers to act as neutral third parties to negotiate a fair and amicable settlement between you and your spouse.
If all else fails, we can represent you in court to defend your and your children's rights by presenting supporting claims for appropriate child support payments.
Call 714-733-7066 to speak to our child support attorneys in Orange County to secure your children's future.
Company Name:- JOS Family Law
Address:- 1918 W Chapman Ave Suite 200, Orange, CA 92868
Phone:- (714) 733-7066

JOS Family Law

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