Raffle Tickets - Promote Your Event With Custom Raffle Tickets

Raffles are often organized as a fund raiser for a particular event. They provide a unique number to each participant that they can use to win prizes or gifts when the organizer draws them at an event.

Raffles are often organized as a fund raiser for a particular event. They provide a unique number to each participant that they can use to win prizes or gifts when the organizer draws them at an event.

These custom event tickets are a great way to promote drawings, concerts, fundraising, sports and corporate picnics. Add your event's logo to provide added exposure that helps spread the word. Tickets are perforated for easy use and come with numbering up to 6 digits.

Printing Options

Custom raffle tickets can be a great way to promote a special event, fundraiser or contest. They come with perforations that make it easy to tear off the ticket stub, and they can be printed with unique numbers on both the stub and body of the ticket for easier sales tracking.

Organizing a raffle is a tried and true method for raising money for your cause. Get sponsors or local businesses to donate prizes and gifts, then sell tickets in advance or at the event to raise funds for your cause. The ticket stub can be kept as a keepsake or used to re-enter the event space later.

Ticket printing is available in two sizes and several paper types. Choose a front-only or full-color option, and add options like numbering and a watermark. Order a single roll, or purchase stapled booklets with up to 20 tickets. We offer fast turnaround and a proof on-line before you pay.

Design Options

Custom raffle tickets are an excellent way to raise money for a cause or event. You can choose from a variety of free templates and professional designs to make your tickets stand out at your event. Using a template makes it easier to create unique ticket designs and ensure that all of the information needed is printed on each one. It is also important to use quality raffle printer paper so that your tickets are durable enough to withstand tearing them apart and the activity of the event.

Whether you are holding a raffle for charity or just want to get people excited about your event, raffles are an excellent way to raise funds and have fun at the same time. With Canva’s awesome design tools and wide selection of templates, you can easily create raffle tickets that people will line up to buy. Using the templates will also help you save on printing costs and keep your budget in check.


Depending on your fundraising goals, you'll need to consider the pricing options for your raffle tickets. The price is the primary driver in how many tickets you'll be able to sell and can have a big impact on your event's profit.

To get the most out of your ticket sales, try to offer a wide range of prizes. This will create excitement and attract more buyers, which in turn can lead to higher ticket sales.

In addition to the prize line-up, consider introducing unique raffle items that can boost ticket value. Prizes like artisan goods, exclusive merchandise, and one-of-a-kind experiences elevate the perceived value of your raffle tickets and can drive a lot more ticket sales.


Custom raffle tickets are great for fundraisers, concerts, sports, corporate picnics and giveaways. Printed on high-quality stock, these full-color raffle tickets are individually cut and come with perforated stubs that make ticket sales tracking simple. Each ticket is numbered on both the stub and the body. Add your logo for brand visibility that helps promote your event and increase attendance.

We know fundraising is time consuming and stressful enough. Adding designing awesome raffle tickets to the mix can seem daunting. Our collection of expertly-curated templates is here to help. With our drag-and-drop design tools, it's easy to create an invitation people will queue up for. Plus, our fast turn-around and great prices mean you can get your tickets to help your cause without having to invest a lot of time or money.


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