How do I access my Norton Password Manager?

Norton Password Manager is a software that provides you with a tool to save all your passwords and important card credentials securely in one place.

Norton Password Manager is a software that provides you with a tool to save all your passwords and important card credentials securely in one place. It is understandable that not all credentials and details can be memorized by a person and it is also an essential thing. So, with Norton Password Manager, all your data is safe and can be accessed whenever you need it. In case you have lost access to your account on the Norton Password Manager software, you can access the same with very few steps on the browser.

Procedure to access your Norton Password Manager:

  • To begin with the process, you must install the Norton browser extension on your browser,
  • Go to the browser and look for the "Norton Password Manager" option at the top-right corner,
  • Next, you will be asked to Sign In with your Norton account first,
  • On the next screen, you must tap the "Set up your web browser" option,
  • Now, on the appeared window, you have to tap the key of "Unlock Vault" and then provide the needed credentials,
  • On the next page, you must select one of the following:
    • If the Passwordless Vault Unlock is enabled already, tap the "Approve" key, and your Norton Password Manager will be logged in on your device
    • If the Passwordless Vault Unlock has not been set, you will have to click on the provided option of "Use your Vault password" on the page,
  • After that, you will get access to your Norton Password Manager on your device.


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