Why Should You Learn Standing Poses In Yoga School in Rishikesh

Join Living Yoga School to get the most authentic knowledge about yoga. You will also get the certification, which can help you to explore yoga in a better manner.

Standing yoga postures are one of the first things that you will learn in yoga. When you join a Yoga School in Rishikesh, then you will learn everything step-by-step. The trained teachers will help you start the various postures, as a part of your yoga course. Hatha Yoga is one such discipline which can provide you with the ultimate stability and balance. You will learn about it in complete detail, in the yoga teacher training course. 

Today, let us learn how much importance standing postures assume in your Hatha Yoga journey. 

How Standing Yoga Postures Benefit You At The Yoga School In Rishikesh?

  • Standing yoga postures help in strengthening and stretching large muscle groups. The main muscle groups that are affected as a part of yoga are gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles. However, they are not the only ones though. Some smaller groups are also affected as well. Depending on the posture you are doing, you generally flex or extend key joints in the legs. They include the ankles, knees, and hips. You can ultimately improve your range of motion, through such exercises. 
  • You can train your body to gain the perfect balance, through carefully planned standing postures. You can develop core strength as well, through such postures. Kinesthetic awareness is extremely important, and you will be learning the same in the yoga sessions at the yoga school. 
  • If you are looking to ground yourself, then you should practice standing postures. The moment you press your feet into the ground, you will get a steady influx of energy. 

If you are not sure, where to place your feet, the best teachers at the Yoga School in Rishikesh will guide you through the postures. Now, that you know the benefits of the standing poses, you must learn about two of them here. 

Standing Yoga Postures That You Can Learn 

Tadasana (Samasthiti

Tadasana is also known as Samasthiti position. Tada means Mountain. Asana means posture.  Another word is Samasthiti. Sama means equal, Sthiti means Standing.


This Asana is a balancing pose. All the standing poses start from the Mountain pose and end in the Mountain Pose. So, it is a basic pose for all the standing poses. After doing many standing poses, you can rest in this position to normalize the breathing. This is a very active position. As soon someone stands in this correct position, it activates the Sattvic Energy that provides lightness, stability, grounded in the position before moving. This asana is included in the 200 hour yoga teacher training course

How To Do –

  • Place your feet together or with apart with your hip joints.
  • Make sure that your knees are lifted up and legs are active.
  • Take your tailbone in.
  • Spine erect from tailbone to skull.
  • Roll your shoulders towards the back and drop them, and align them to your collarbone.
  • Arms are gentle active along of your body and fingers are active.
  • Take your chin in and look front. 
  • Focus your mind on your breathing and observe your breaths.
  • Enjoy the stability with free-flowing breaths.

Read More: https://theauthorconnect.com/why-should-you-learn-standing-poses-in-yoga-school-in-rishikesh/

Living Yoga School

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