Why Is Hatha Yoga Is An Important Part Of Yoga Teacher Training?

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali will help you to gain a better understanding of the yogic realm. Join the course, if you want to explore yoga in new light

There are so many forms of yoga that you will encounter as a part of yoga teacher training. Hatha Yoga occupies an important part in the training, and has emerged as one of the most prominent forms. When you join the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, you will learn about this form in detail. Moreover, this is the first form which you will encounter in Bali. Many of you may have queries about this yoga form, which you will learn about in the following stanzas.

Hatha Yoga Decoded - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Hatha Yoga is the most ancient and authentic yoga form that you will come across. It is a type of yoga form that relies on physical poses which stimulate various glands and physiological functions. You will also experience complete healing, as a part of the course. Hatha Yoga is a balancing yoga form that helps to create a state of balance. You will also be able to bring the body, mind, and the soul, on to one platform.

You can delve into the ancient texts, and go back to the ancient times, while studying about this ancient yogic science. Swami Swatmarama wrote about it in the 15th century. His reference is considered of utmost importance, in the context of Hatha Yoga. Most of you may assume in the first place, that it is a purely physical form. Hatha Yoga involves not only the asanas, but other practices like Pranayama and meditation. The utmost aim of this path is Samadhi. Asana if you delve into the ancient texts, is just one of the steps that will help you to move towards universal consciousness. This is what people see.

Raja Yoga is another yoga form, which is believed to have originated from Hatha Yoga. It is a simpler edition of Raja Yoga, without the Yama and Niyamas.

Hatha Yoga Tools

You will study the tools of Hatha Yoga in this 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali. It is the most gentle yoga form, which involves slow and solid movements. You are able to create a balance, through the practice of this yoga form. The training in Bali teaches you several aspects of Hatha Yoga. A regular session at the school includes:

  • Asanas – These include all kinds of physical movements. The asanas include standing asanas, supine ones, prone ones, sitting ones, inversions, backbends, and forward bends. You will be able to stabilize your body and create a sense of balance, through the practice of these asanas.

  • Pranayama – Breathing techniques when combined with asanas, will give a new direction to your yoga practice. The teachers at Living Yoga School are extremely learned, and will give you complete knowledge of the practices. You will be guided individually through the classes. The classes are small, so you will get adequate attention.

  • Mantra Chanting – It is yet another practice as a part of the course schedule which you will learn. Mantras like Gayatri Mantra and Om have a different meanings, altogether in the realm of yoga teacher training. You can focus more, with the help of such mantras. They also help you to connect with the universe.

  • Mudras – They are subtle practices in the realm, wherein you make certain symbols with the hands. There are nerve endings in the fingers, which connect to different organs of the body as well as the physiological functions. You will learn about mudras such as Gyana mudra, Yoni mudra, Vayu mudra, and many more.

What Happens In Class?

So, by now you must have come to know, that Hatha Yoga is an important part of Yoga training. However, the classes vary at different schools. You will be engaging in warmups, deep breathing, and meditation as a part of the elaborate 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali. Every morning, the class starts with mantra chanting, to purify the surroundings. Then you are taken through the Satkarma kriyas sessions. These practices help you to give a jumpstart to your yoga practice, after a night of relaxation.

The Hatha Yoga classes includes the Hatha Yoga asanas. Then you move onto more elaborate sessions that include dynamic yoga asanas. These asanas form the very basis of your yogic journey. Moreover, you can get tremendous benefits, if you pursue your goals without sluggishness. That is why, it is included in the 200 hours of training.

Read More: https://www.myminifactory.com/stories/why-is-hatha-yoga-is-an-important-part-of-yoga-teacher-training-65a9122ed9348

Living Yoga School

14 بلاگ پوسٹس
