WoW Classic Cuergo's Gold - How to Farm Gold in WoLK The Wrath of the Lich King Classic

It also hosts the Alliance capital city Ironforge and the Horde capital of Undercity. Light's Hope Chapel serves as the primary travel hub. The area also features a large lake called Darrowmere Lake. This polluted water body is infested with maggots, oozes and plaguebears.

Wow classic cuergo's gold is the main in-game currency used for World of Warcraft WotLK The Wrath of the Lich King. Here are some tips to help you get more of this in-game currency.


You can find the location of cuergo's gold by going to the spot in eastern Tanaris where you kill pirates for Steamweedle Port. You will see a flag with a mast.


How to get it?


WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic has a variety of items that require gold to purchase. These items include mounts, pets, and armor sets. In addition, players need gold to level their professions. Here are some of the best places to farm for gold in WotLK.


The Fel Iron Ore mine in Hellfire Peninsula is one of the best spots for mining gold in WotLK. It is a fast-selling ore and is required for engineering and blacksmithing. It can be gathered quickly and sells for a high price in the auction house.


Wintergrasp is a player-vs-player battleground that offers a large number of gold-making opportunities. Its mobs respawn quickly and can be defeated by low-level characters. It is also a good spot to farm herbs, which are used for crafting glyphs and flasks. Its animal skinning opportunities are also lucrative. It is possible to earn more than five hundred gold coins in an hour at Wintergrasp.


Where to find it?


If you glitch out of naxx, and run north, eventually you'll reach a lighter area of dragonblight, or at least it looks that way. If you continue north, you'll end up in a western plaguelands area. There are some pirates there that take blood. They are the same ones you kill for Steamweedle Port quests. The key to the chest is on one of them. They are also the same as the pirates that are east of Tanaris.


How to get the key?


The key is dropped from the level 45 Treasure Hunting Pirates that spawn at the mast/flag. You can kill them in groups if you want (the best way is to stealth immediately after they spawn and let them run to the flag, then run back out of their spawn area) or you can just wait until one of them drops the key. The flag/mast is an Inconspicuous Landmark, so if you have Cuergo's Treasure Map on you you will not be able to click it. Throw away the map, delete the key from your inventory, and you will be able to search it again.


How to get the chest?


You need to search the mast (Inconspicuous Landmark) at the southern tip of Tanaris. When you click the mast, 5 level 45 treasure hunting pirates will spawn around it. Kill them all and one will drop the key to open the chest. The loot is usually 2 green items and Cuergo's Gold, the drink that completes this quest. Individuals with expectations to know about wotlk classic gold and other details can feel free to check here  .


Note that the pirates spawn at the same time and do not split up, so you must kill them all together. Also, they will despawn after a while and you must go back to their spawn point and click the mast again to respawn them.


The mobs do not have very high ap, so you can kill them all with your level 49 priest. The key has a very low chance to drop, but the pirates always have it and you can re-get it from them by killing them again. It is recommended to have a way of teleporting out of the area, like a hearthstone.



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