Understand Reasons Behind QuickBooks Error QBWC1085

Discover the reasons behind QuickBooks Error QBWC1085 and learn effective solutions to resolve it. Understand how issues with the Web Connector, damaged company files, antivirus/firewall settings, and outdated software versions can trigger this error.

QuickBooks is a powerful accounting software that has revolutionized the way businesses manage their financials. However, like any other software, it is not entirely immune to errors. One such error that users often encounter is QuickBooks Error QBWC1085.

Reasons Behind QuickBooks Error QBWC1085:

This error can be frustrating and might hinder the smooth functioning of your accounting processes. To effectively troubleshoot this error, it is essential to understand its root causes. In this article, we will delve into the various reasons behind QuickBooks Error QBWC1085 and explore potential solutions to resolve it.

These are the reasons may be cause of error QBWC1085: 

Web Connector Issues:

QuickBooks Web Connector is a vital component that enables third-party applications to exchange data with QuickBooks. Any malfunction or conflict within the Web Connector can trigger error QBWC1085. This could occur due to improper configuration settings or outdated versions of the Web Connector.

Damaged QuickBooks Company File:

In some instances, a damaged or corrupted QuickBooks company file can lead to error QBWC1085. Data inconsistencies or file damage might prevent the Web Connector from accessing the necessary information, thereby causing the error to surface.

Antivirus or Firewall Restrictions:

Overly strict settings on your antivirus software or firewall can interfere with the communication between QuickBooks and the Web Connector. If the firewall or antivirus perceives the Web Connector as a potential threat, it might block its access, resulting in QuickBooks Error QBWC1085.

Read Also: QuickBooks error 1904

Outdated QuickBooks Version:

Using an outdated version of QuickBooks can also be a reason behind the occurrence of error QBWC1085. Newer versions often come with bug fixes and patches that address known issues, and using an outdated version might leave your system vulnerable to errors.

Solutions to Resolve QuickBooks Error QBWC1085:

Update QuickBooks: Ensure that you are using the latest version of QuickBooks to eliminate any known issues. Updating the software can often resolve compatibility issues and bugs that might trigger the error.

Repair Damaged Company File:

If the error stems from a damaged company file, you can use the QuickBooks File Doctor tool to diagnose and repair any issues within the file. Make sure to back up your data before running any diagnostic or repair tools.

Adjust Firewall and Antivirus Settings:

Configure your firewall and antivirus settings to allow QuickBooks and its components, including the Web Connector, to communicate freely. Add QuickBooks and its related processes to the list of trusted applications to prevent any unnecessary blockages.

Reconfigure the Web Connector:

If the error is due to Web Connector issues, try reconfiguring the settings or reinstalling the Web Connector to establish a fresh connection with QuickBooks.


QuickBooks Error QBWC1085 can disrupt your workflow and cause inconvenience, but understanding its underlying causes can make it easier to resolve. By following the recommended solutions and addressing the root issues, users can effectively troubleshoot this error and ensure the smooth operation of their QuickBooks software. Always remember to back up your data before making any significant changes to your QuickBooks setup to prevent any potential data loss. For any kind of  help contact Quickbooks support

Benjamin James

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